Showing 1-17 of 17 items.

Shielding Against Malaria: Detection, Treatment & Prevention

Throughout India, Malaria remains a major public health concern. Malaria is a fatal illness contracted through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito. India is a breeding ground for Malaria becaus[...]
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The Role of Genetics in Obesity: Unraveling the Genetic Factors

Obesity is the outcome of the energy imbalance that can happen when an individual consumes more calories than their body burns. With more focus on excess calories and unhealthy lifestyles, people usua[...]
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The Importance of Vitamin D in Winter: Testing and Supplementation

As winter days grow shorter and colder, many people feel more tired, moody, and prone to illness. One major contributor to this “winter blues” feeling that often goes overlooked is vitamin D defic[...]
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The Growing Demand for Genomic Testing in Health Check Packages

Health check-ups in India are undergoing a significant change, and genomic testing is being added to better assess disease risk. Genomic tests analyse variations in a person's DNA to provide informati[...]
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Navigating H3N2: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options in India

With changes in the weather and climate, colds, flu, and fever are the first to appear. The most talked about flu these days in India is the H3N2 Virus. Influenza A H3N2 virus was first identified in [...]
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Lipid Abnormalities: Understanding and Managing Them

Lipids, often referred to as fats, are essential components of our body. While they play critical roles in various bodily functions, an imbalance in lipid levels can lead to lipid abnormalities, posin[...]
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Hemoglobinopathies could be identified early with NBS

Have you noticed your little one is suffering from shortness of breath? Or are they sleeping more often or longer than normal hours? It could be due to the warning signs of hemoglobinopathies, and you[...]
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Clinical Application Of Serum Anti-Müllerian Hormone In Women

Anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) in women is produced by the ovaries, and the level of the hormone describes the ability of a woman's ovary to produce eggs that can be fertilized for pregnancy. Testing y[...]
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Who Should Consider Getting a Full Body Check-up

Full Body checkups are a range of diagnostic tests done by physicians to discover the presence of illness or any disease in the body. Both men and women must get a full body checkup for health issues.[...]
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Role of Preimplantation Genetic testing in the IVF Journey and family planning

You have finally made the significant decision of your life! You are going to opt for In-Vitro fertilization to build your family! While you have figured it all out – from medication to multiple inj[...]
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The Connection Between Vitamin D and Calcium Absorption

Calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a prevalent bone condition that results in a gradual decrease in bone density and mass. As a re[...]
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Understanding Kidney Function: How KFT Tests Help Assess Renal Health

Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs located on the back side of the abdomen. The kidney filters the blood removing the waste products as urine from the body. It helps in the regulation of electro[...]
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How Often Should You Go for a Health Check?

Periodic health check is instrumental in ensuring our well-being. But how often should you go for a health check? Well, the answer varies from person to person based on your doctor’s analysis. Howev[...]
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Going for a Health Check - Points to be noted

Be it complete prevention from diseases or treating a pre-existing condition, it all begins with a health check. Listed are some important points to keep in mind while going for a health check-up.Why [...]
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Full Body Checkup – Advantages For Healthy Living

For a healthy living, it’s important we adhere to a nutritious diet, engage in physical activity and maintain an effective sleeping pattern. Besides these primary drivers, getting a routine full bod[...]
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When was the last time you got a blood test done? Most probably the time when you were sick? But regular medical checkups are not meant just for times of illness. They are the first step towards preve[...]
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Prevention is better than cure – Importance of regular master check

In today’s time and age of life goals and bucket lists, newer and more thrilling activities and destinations being added by the minute, it is vital to have a healthy body and mind to enjoy and exper[...]
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