Showing 1-8 of 8 items.

Understanding Microbiomes Impact on Cancer & its Treatment

Cancer, the horrific enemy of modern medicine, has long been examined from a variety of perspectives in the search for new therapies and prevention techniques. Among the numerous factors contributing [...]
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Incidence of Cervical Cancers in India – Role of HPV testing & Vaccination

Cervical cancer is the most prevalent cancer in women in India. About 365.71 million women over age 15 live in India and are at risk of developing cervical cancer. According to the most recent estimat[...]
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Do all Breast Cancers run in the family – Are they hereditary?

Breast cancer is a condition where the breast's cells proliferate uncontrollably. Breast cancer is becoming common; as per the global cancer statistics in 2020, 685,000 people died worldwide due to br[...]
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Inherited Cancer Testing and Role of Genetic Counselling.

Cancers have become so common that around 18.1 million cancer cases were reported worldwide in 2020. The rise in cancer patients is due to our addiction to unhealthy eating and lifestyle options. Howe[...]
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World Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women, accounting for 14% of all malignancies in Indian women. According to statistics, an Indian woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every four minute[...]
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Cervical Cancer is a Form of Cancer Which Develops in the Cervix.

It is regarded as the 4th most prominent cancer among women. It can be treated and recovered from, provided it is diagnosed at an early stage. HPV or Human Papillomavirus infection is the major cause [...]
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Preventing cancer is better than living with cancer.

Stay ahead of cancerYou don’t have to live with cancer when you can overcome it. Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue. In India, there is a risin[...]
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5 Ways to support a loved one with cancer

Cancer can be a total game-changer and cause significant alterations in not just the life of the person diagnosed with cancer but also their family and friends. To grasp the situation and adapt to the[...]
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