
Inside our body, proteins are catabolized to amino acids – the amino acids get deaminated. This process results in ammonia formation, which is synthesized in the liver as urea. This vital catabolic pathway is essential to remove large quantities of nitrogen from the body. This urea is an end product of protein and amino acid metabolism. The test measures the levels of urea in the blood.

Why is the test ordered?

A Urea Test is helpful in determining kidney function. The test may also be ordered to monitor patients who are diagnosed with kidney disease. It helps in evaluating the condition of the patients undergoing kidney dialysis as well.

When is the test ordered?

Urea Test is ordered when a physician suspects kidney disease owing to these signs and symptoms in a patient: burning sensation during urination, alterations in urination frequency, abnormal discharge during urination, dark or coffee-coloured urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, high blood pressure and oedema.

How is the sample collected?

A blood sample is collected from a vein in the arm.

How to prepare for the test?

There is no special preparation required for this test.

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