5 Health benefits of Flax Seeds

Flax seeds have been labeled as ‘super foods’ as they have a high concentration of protein, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids. Flax seeds have been consumed for centuries because of their many beneficial properties.

Charles the Great was a great proponent of flax seeds, and is even reputed to have ordered all his subjects to eat them daily. Here are few reasons why:

Flax Seeds have a Large Amount of Nutrients: Flax seeds are one of the oldest crops eaten and cultivated by man. Both the varieties of flax seeds, brown and golden, are equally nutritious. Usually one tablespoon of flax seeds should be eaten, however, if you require more, you can eat more. A tablespoon of flaxseeds is equivalent to 7 grams. This one tablespoon of flax seeds is loaded with not only protein, fibers and omega-3 fatty acids but also vitamins and minerals. Following are the nutrients constituting a tablespoon of flax seeds:

Calories- 37

Vitamin B1- 8% of the RDI

Vitamin B6- 2% of the RDI

Calcium- 2% of the RDI

Iron- 2% of the RDI

Magnesium- 7% of the RDI

Phosphorus- 4% of the RDI

Potassium- 2% of the RDI

Omega - 3 fatty acids- 1597 mg

Protein- 1.3 grams

Fiber- 1.9 grams

Carbohydrates- 2 grams

Reduces the Risk of Cancer: Flax seeds are loaded with lignans, which are plant compounds that have a high content of antioxidants and estrogen properties. Flax seeds contain 800 times more lignans than any other plant. A scientific study states that women who eatImageflax seeds have a lower risk of acquiring breast cancer as compared to women who do not, and this is true particularly in menopausal and post-menopausal women. Men who eat flax seeds daily and maintain a low-fat diet have been proven to have lower risk of prostate cancer.

Improves Cholesterol: Another health benefit that flax seeds offer is the ability to lower your cholesterol levels. It has been proven through a study that if a person with high cholesterol eats 3 tablespoons of flax seeds powder daily for 3 months straight, their cholesterol levels will reduce by upto 17%. This is because of the high fiber content of flax seeds that binds the bile salts and forces them to be excreted from your body.

Flax Seeds have a Number of Uses: Flax seeds or the oil extracted from these seeds can be added to many normal foods. Some of the uses are:

Flax seeds are a great egg substitute. You just have to ground the seeds to a fine powder and let it soak in water for about 15 minutes. The end result will have a texture similar to that of eggs.

You can sprinkle flax seeds over your cereal, making your breakfast healthier and crunchier.

Blend these seeds into your smoothies for a thicker consistency.

Use flaxseed oil as a dressing.

Makes your hair healthier: Applying flax seed oil to the scalp regularly not only nourishes and moisturizes the scalp, but also decreases hair breakage by making them stronger. It also prevents dandruff. Lastly, consuming flax seeds daily also helps fight male baldness as flax seeds fight the enzyme that leads to male pattern baldness.

So, go ahead and pull the flax seeds out of your cabinet, and make the most of their benefits.

It’s true that healthy lifestyle is the key to leading a healthy life in the future, but there’s no taking away from the fact that timely check-ups are just as important in ensuring our well-being in the long run. At Apollo Diagnostics, we offer free home collection facilities making health check-up convenient than ever before. To book an appointment, call 9205478479 or visit www.apollodiagnostics.in

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