Total Protein

Two important proteins in the blood include albumin and globulin. Nearly 60% of the total protein in blood is albumin and about 40% of the total protein is globulin. Albumin, produced by the liver, functions as a carrier protein and helps prevent the fluid from leaking out of the blood vessels. Globulin proteins include carrier proteins, hormones, enzymes, antibodies and other types of proteins. The total protein test is used to measure the total amount of protein in the blood.

Why is the test ordered?

The test may be ordered to screen and diagnose liver disease or kidney disease.

When is the test ordered?

The test may be ordered when a person is experiencing symptoms suggestive of kidney disease or liver disease or to look into the cause of fluid accumulation (oedema) in tissues.

How is the sample collected?

A blood sample is collected from a vein in the arm.

How to prepare for the test?

No special preparation is required for the test.

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