Aerobic Culture and Sensitivity Stool

A Stool culture test is performed to determine the presence of bacteria and fungus, which are responsible for the infection of the gastrointestinal tract.

Why the test is performed?

The main objective of the test is to detect pathogenic bacteria in the stool sample and help diagnose an infection of the gastrointestinal tract. The test may be ordered to determine the cause of diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, and loss of appetite and to detect the microorganisms causing infections. The test may also be recommended to identify a carrier and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for an infection.

When is the test ordered?

The test may be ordered when a physician suspects gastrointestinal infection in an individual. The test may also be ordered if a person has food poisoning, severe diarrhoea nausea, vomiting and severe abdominal pain with fever

How is the sample collected?

Put on gloves and take a dry container. Do not urinate while collecting the stool. To avoid this, first urinate and once you stop urinating, pass stool into the container. Close the lid and remove your gloves, and then wash your hands.

How to prepare for the test?

No special preparations are required for this test.

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Home sample collection charges will be applicable.