Acetone / Ketone

Ketones are produced in the body as by-products of fat metabolism. Ketosis is a condition in which ketones accumulate in the blood. Diabetes patients are at an increased risk of developing diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), which is a life-threatening condition. Therefore, monitoring the ketones levels in the blood of diabetic patients is important. Ketones levels also increase due to prolonged fasting, long-term alcohol abuse, acetone poisoning and the consumption of a low carbohydrates diet.

A serum ketone test helps in determining the levels of ketones in the blood. There are three known ketone bodies: acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetone.

Why the test is done?

The test is primarily used to screen, detect and monitor ketoacidosis. A person may require this test if a doctor suspects ketoacidosis - which may be due to type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes (diabetic ketoacidosis), alcohol abuse (alcoholic ketoacidosis), and/or starvation (starvation ketoacidosis).

When is the test recommended?

The test is ordered if a person develops the symptoms of ketoacidosis, which include:

  • Fatigue
  • Excessive thirst
  • Shortness of breath
  • Increased urination
  • Fruity breath
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • How is the blood sample collected?

    A blood sample is collected from a vein in the arm.

    How to prepare for the test?

    No preparation is required for this test.

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