Dengue: Symptoms And Precautions You Must Know

Monsoon is the season when the risk of dengue is at its peak. The humidity, the right temperature and the presence of stagnant flood water encourage the breeding of the female Aedes mosquitoes – whose bite spreads the dengue virus. Dengue has no cure. You must know that early deduction and prevention are the only ways of reducing its fatality. Read on to know the symptoms that you should look out for and the precautionary measures to be taken in order to combat this viral disease.

Back in the early days, dengue used to be known as the ‘break bone’ fever because it sometimes causes severe joint and muscle pains.

Visit your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms –

  • Sudden high fever (103-105 degrees)

  • Severe headache

  • Pain behind the eyes

  • Unexplained body pains

  • Sore throat

  • Rashes

  • Nausea & vomiting

  • Severe exertion

These are the signs of dengue fever in its milder form. They may appear within 3 to 4 days after the infected bite. But if these symptoms are ignored they get intensified and are accompanied by other grave symptoms like black stool (due to bleeding in the intestine), bleeding from the skin, nose, mouth, etc.Imageand a severe drop in the blood platelets count. This serious form of dengue is known as Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF). When left untreated, dengue can also get fatal by taking the form of Dengue Shock Syndrome. It is characterized by the sudden collapse of blood vessels in the body that results in shock and even death. That is why taking the right medication at the right time is a must to get rid of dengue.

Thankfully dengue is not contagious i.e. it does not spread from one human to another through contact. But unfortunately children are the most common victims of the fever. The time period between the 3rd and 7th day of the illness are the most risky. Ample rest, reduced stress and consumption of lot of water, coconut water, lime juice, etc. are vital in order to flush out the toxins and to boost the immunity and stamina.

When it comes to how to prevent dengue, here are the precautionary steps:

  • Wear full length sleeved tops and full pants to reduce the chances of mosquito bites.

  • Use mosquito repellents at home and office like anti-mosquito coils, liquids, etc. Apply mosquito repellent creams when out.

  • Keep your surrounding clean to stop the breeding of mosquitoes. Don’t allow rain water to stagnate in the balcony, flower pots, garbage bins and courtyard. Fill water puddles near your area with sand or petrol/ kerosene or insecticides.

These suggestions will definitely help keep dengue at bay but if you experience any dengue symptoms, consult your doctor and visit a diagnostic centre such as Apollo Diagnostics and get tested immediately. The pathological technicians at Apollo Diagnostics will be able to diagnose your condition accurately using their expertise, experience, and state-of- the-art technology. Apollo Diagnostics even provides a free home collection service for your ease and convenience.

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